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Fubr Clan Site - Fucked Up Beyond Recognition. The best clan site, with the best gamers, on the Best Console.
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» Challenge Us!!!
Rules of Fubr I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 05, 2010 6:44 am by Kcorny8

» Rules of Fubr
Rules of Fubr I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 25, 2010 9:16 am by C_Hoang

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 Rules of Fubr

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Clan Leader / Site Admin
Clan Leader / Site Admin

Male Sagittarius Posts : 344
Join date : 2010-02-25
Age : 31
Location : Basingstoke, South-East England
Job : Swimming Instructor
Psn Id : C_Hoang/Mickey_Mouse_92

Rules of Fubr Empty
PostSubject: Rules of Fubr   Rules of Fubr I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 25, 2010 9:16 am

1) Respect the etiquette of the forum. FUBR is a relaxed friendly, gaming community.

2) Be nice to each other and respect fellow members.

3) Please keep advertising and spamming to a minimum

4) Keep image size to a minimum

5) Do not place topics on this forum that may bring this forum into disrepute due to content of a political or religious or sexual nature to do so will get you banned at once.

6) Do not use multiple accounts

7) You MUST be over the age of 13 to apply.

8 ) Under no circumstance should you be part of any other PS3 clan.

9)You will not cause trouble for Fubr

10)No racism will be tolerated

How NOT to post on this forum

Do not post 5 minutes after your initial post asking something along the lines of "why is nobody helping me??" Or "Anyone?". If the post has been unanswered for a long period of time, and may no longer be showing along the scrolling side, you may bump the topic.

Do not ask "what's best" because this question cannot be answered objectively. Each and everyone has their own view about what's best in a certain area. The best is what works best for you!

The official language is English. If English is not your best Language, then please use a translater outside the forum.

The rules set by the admin team are to be followed.
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